We find fast and creative legal solutions for our clients while providing the best legal representation available.

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We know the region, we know the neighborhoods, and most importantly, we know this market.

The real estate lawyers of Kanen Law Firm have successfully represented hundreds of clients in real estate transactions throughout New York City and the New York Metro Area. In doing so, we have developed an incomparable wealth of knowledge and understand what needs to be done to ensure a quick and smooth process. The varied and ever-changing intricacies in real estate law require an attorney to stay on the cutting-edge of industry trends and to always serve as a valued resource. Our real estate attorneys are results-oriented visionaries with a comprehensive and contemporary knowledge of real estate law and market.

Kanen Law Firm Is your choice for a real estate lawyer in NYC. 



We pride ourselves in successfully, quickly and smoothly getting each deal to the closing table. Here’s why:

• When representing sellers or landlords, we guarantee that the contract or lease will go out within 24 hours from receipt of the term sheet.
• When representing buyers or tenants, we usually provide a detailed analysis of our due diligence on the target asset within 24 hours of receipt of the financials. We immediately contact the necessary managing agents, review building financials, offering plans, amendments, by-laws, proprietary leases, house rules, and all other relevant documents.

We work this way because we recognize the urgency and importance of providing immediate turnaround for our clients while keeping them informed about the status of their transactions and legal rights. In the end, the impactful results we deliver leave our clients feeling taken care of, listened to, and appreciated.


Contact our Real Estate Law Attorneys today at (212) 922-9099. We strive to be your choice for a any and all Real Estate Transaction in New York City.